Create beautiful stories

WebSlides makes HTML presentations easy.
Just the essentials and using lovely CSS.


Why WebSlides?

Presentations, landings, portfolios, and longforms.

  • An opportunity to engage.

    WebSlides is about good karma. This is about telling the story, and sharing it in a beautiful way. HTML and CSS as narrative elements.

  • Work better, faster.

    Designers, marketers, and journalists can now focus on the content. Simply choose a demo and customize it in minutes.

WebSlides is really easy

Each parent

in the #webslides element is an individual slide.

Code is clean and scalable. It uses intuitive markup with popular naming conventions. There's no need to overuse classes or nesting. Making an HTML presentation has never been so fast.

Design for trust

.wrap = container (width: 90%)


  • Simple Navigation

    with arrow keys, presenter...
  • Permalinks

    Go to a specific slide.
  • Slide Counter

    Current/Total number.
  • 40+ Beautiful Components

    Covers, cards, quotes...
  • Vertical Rhythm

    Use multiples of 8.
  • 500+ SVG Icons

    Font Awesome Kit.


If you need help, here's just three tutorials. Just a basic knowledge of HTML is required:

WebSlides Files

Built to expand

The best way to inspire with your content is to connect on a personal level:

Ready to Start?

Create your own presentation instantly.
120+ premium slides ready to use.

Free Download Pay what you want.


People share content that makes them feel inspired. WebSlides is a very effective way to engage young audiences, customers, and teams.

@jlantunez, @belelros, and @luissacristan.